布丽安娜Vasquez image


布丽安娜Vasquez image







布丽安娜Vasquez ’19 is from Rhinebeck, 纽约.  She transferred to Marist in fall 2017 and has loved it here ever since.

Why did you transfer to Marist?

I transferred to Marist once I completed my first two years at Dutchess Community College (DCC) and wanted to continue to be a commuter student. I wanted to find a local school that had a great business administration program. 也, the campus was so pretty, I could actually see myself walking the campus and studying in the library while viewing those beautiful sunsets over the Hudson River. Plus, Marist was the only school I ended up applying to during the application process.

What was your transfer application/admission experience like?

Since I transferred from a community college, my transfer application experience was seamless, and all my credits transferred. As both a commuter and a transfer, it was an adjustment my first semester; however, I was able to make friends and get involved starting my first semester all the way to today, 我的大四.

What is your favorite Marist memory? 

This may sound like a cliché, but my favorite memories are the sunsets. It is just another sign that another day at Marist has come to an end (which is bittersweet). Another favorite memory was meeting my current sisters of Kappa Lambda Psi (KLP) during the activities fair on campus.

What are you currently involved in on campus?

I am currently in one of the sororities here at Marist, Kappa Lambda Psi. I am also part of the FEMME club, the peer mentor program with First Year Programs, the 转移 Advisory Board, bet亚洲365欢迎投注大使, and The National Society of 领导 and Success. I also plan to join the Society of Human Resource 管理 (SHRM) chapter here at Marist this year.

What is your favorite spot on campus?

图书馆! It is literally my home away from home. I just recently found out that there are beanbag chairs on the main floor and you can now find me there before and in between classes, either typing my fingers off doing a paper or taking a study break watching 朋友. 也, it helps that it has a Starbucks for my caffeine fix and a quick walk to the Cabaret for some delicious chicken tenders.

What is one piece of advice you would give a prospective transfer student? 

My advice for prospective transfer students is to see what you didn’t like from your previous school and/or what you truly want to have for your college experience because that is what will secure your feeling of being at home. 为 those choosing to come to Marist, my advice is get involved! As soon as classes start, sign up for any club that interests you at the activities fair. That’s where you will make lifetime friends, as well as in your classes, because they are going through the same experience as you.
